This Project can be delivered Australia Wide and Internationally. We simply organise for your body scans to be undertaken by a local partner (where available) and conduct face to face content via Zoom.
Looking for the ultimate ACCOUNTABILITY to reach your goals?
The Accountability Project
- Have you ever felt that you basically know what you need to do, but for some reason (or known reasons) you can’t seem to stick to the plan?
- Maybe you can focus on your health and fitness goals for a couple of weeks, but then it’s “too hard” or you feel its “not working”?
- Wouldn’t it be great to have a personalised plan, inclusive of nutrition, laid out for you, driven by your input, activity level and goals….plus a monkey on your back to keep you accountable week to week?
- This is not a fitness "Challenge", it's more like a subscription to get your mind & body on track!
- The SABA Accountability Project is for you whether you are highly active or completely sedentary or somewhere in between.
Reported side effects from past participants:-
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Improved routine
- Less or no binging
- Fat loss
- Muscle Gain
- Not feeling deprived
- More productive training sessions
- Reduced alcohol consumption